Gwybodaeth i rieni a disgyblion bl6 sydd yn trosglwyddo i Ysgol y Preseli ym Medi 2020/ Information for parents of year 6 pupils transferring to Ysgol y Preseli in September 2020
Llyfryn Dechrau yn yr Ysgol Uwchradd/Starting in Secondary School Booklet
Dewch i gwrdd ag athrawon IAITH, LLYTHRENNEDD a CHYFATHREBU yr ysgol!
Fideo o't Athrawon Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu!
Dewch i adnabod staff y Dyniaethau/Get to know the Humanities staff!
Dyma lyfryn i flwyddyn 6 sy'n cyflwyno'r athrawon sy'n dysgu o fewn y Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad hwn. Dewch i ddysgu mwy ac i gwrdd a'r tรฎm! Diolch i Miss N. Williams am greu'r llyfr ac i'r staff eraill am fod mor barod i gyflwyno'u hunain. Mwynhewch! ๐
Below is a digital book for year 6 pupils which introduces the teachers who teach within this Area of Learning and Experience. Click below to learn more and to meet the team! Thank you to Miss N. Williams for creating the book and to each member of staff for being so willing to contribute. Enjoy! ๐
Dewch i adnabod adeiladau'r ysgol!/ Ysol y Preseli virtual tour
Dewch i ddeall am y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol ac adnabod ein staff!/ Learn more about the Expressive Arts and get to know the teachers!
Beth yw'r 'Celfyddydau Mynegiannol'? Dyma lyfryn i flwyddyn 6 sy'n esbonio'r term ac i gyflwyno'r athrawon sy'n dysgu o fewn y Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad hwn. Dewch i ddysgu mwy ac i gwrdd a'r tรฎm! Diolch i Mrs Quick-Lawrence am greu'r llyfr ac i'r staff eraill am fod mor barod i gyflwyno'u hunain. Mwynhewch! ๐
What exactly does "Expressive Arts" mean? Below is a digital book for year 6 pupils which explains the term and which introduces the teachers who teach within this Area of Learning and Experience. Click below to learn more and to meet the team! Thank you to Mrs Quick-Lawrence for creating the book and to each member of staff for being so willing to contribute. Enjoy! ๐
Dewch i Adnabod ein Staff Iechyd a Lles/ Get to know our Health and Wellbeing Staff
Pa fath o brofiad yw symud o'r ysgol gynradd i Ysgol y Preseli?/ What kind of experience is it to move from primary school to Ysgol y Preseli?
Cyflwyniad i Microsoft TEAMS/An Introduction to Microsoft TEAMS
Gwersi Gwyddoniaeth/Science Lessons
Please remember to contact your primary school headteacher to confirm which language your child wishes to choose for his/her Science lessons. You are welcome to phone/e-mail your primary headteacher (returning the form isn't essential). If there are any problems, you are also welcome to e-mail your decision to Ysgol y Preseli ( Diolch ๐