

Isod fel welwch grynodeb o wisg Ysgol y Preseli, gan gynnwys rhestr o ddarparwyr.
Below is a summary of the school uniform, as well as a list of providers.


Llyfryn Dechrau yn yr Ysgol Uwchradd/Starting in Secondary School Booklet

Cofiwch ddarllen y llyfryn isod er mwyn derbyn gwybodaeth am y canlynol:

* Offer angenrheidiol
* Rheolau gwisg ysgol
* Pwysigrwydd Cymreictod

Please show your child this booklet so that he/she is aware of:
* the required equipment
* school uniform rules
* the importance of speaking Welsh

Athrawon Mathemateg a Rhifedd/Mathematics and Numeracy Teachers



Cliciwch ar y llyfryn isod er mwyn gweld y cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer Gweithgaredd Gwener 5! Mwynhewch!

Click on the book below in order to see the instructions for the 5th Transition Activity. Enjoy!

Dewch i gwrdd ag athrawon IAITH, LLYTHRENNEDD a CHYFATHREBU yr ysgol!

Cliciwch ar y llyfryn isod er mwyn dod i adnabod staff yr adrannau Cymraeg, Saesneg a Ieithoedd Tramor Modern yn well!

Click on the digital book below to get to know the teachers in the following departments better: Welsh, English and Modern Foreign Languages (also known as the Language, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning and Expertise)

Fideo o't Athrawon Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu!

Cliciwch ar y fideo isod er mwyn dod i adnabod yr athrawon yma yn well!
Click on the video below to get to know our languages teachers better!


Dewch i adnabod staff y Dyniaethau/Get to know the Humanities staff!

Dyma lyfryn i flwyddyn 6 sy'n cyflwyno'r athrawon sy'n dysgu o fewn y Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad hwn. Dewch i ddysgu mwy ac i gwrdd a'r tรฎm! Diolch i Miss N. Williams am greu'r llyfr ac i'r staff eraill am fod mor barod i gyflwyno'u hunain. Mwynhewch! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Below is a digital book for year 6 pupils which introduces the teachers who teach within this Area of Learning and Experience. Click below to learn more and to meet the team! Thank you to Miss N. Williams for creating the book and to each member of staff for being so willing to contribute. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Dewch i adnabod adeiladau'r ysgol!/ Ysol y Preseli virtual tour

Er bod yr ysgol ar gau ar hyn o bryd rydym am roi'r cyfle i ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 6 i ddod i adnabod adeilad yr ysgol cyn iddynt ymuno รข ni ym mis Medi. Isod, gallwch fynd ar daith rithwir o amgylch yr ysgol gyda Mr Hughes, ein Pennaeth Cynorthwyol. Mwynhewch!

Although the school is currently closed we wanted to give Year 6 students the opportunity to get to know the school and the school building before they join us in September. Below, you can take a virtual tour around the school with our Assistant Headteacher, Mr Hughes. Enjoy!

Dewch i ddeall am y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol ac adnabod ein staff!/ Learn more about the Expressive Arts and get to know the teachers!

Beth yw'r 'Celfyddydau Mynegiannol'? Dyma lyfryn i flwyddyn 6 sy'n esbonio'r term ac i gyflwyno'r athrawon sy'n dysgu o fewn y Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad hwn. Dewch i ddysgu mwy ac i gwrdd a'r tรฎm! Diolch i Mrs Quick-Lawrence am greu'r llyfr ac i'r staff eraill am fod mor barod i gyflwyno'u hunain. Mwynhewch! ๐Ÿ˜Š

What exactly does "Expressive Arts" mean? Below is a digital book for year 6 pupils which explains the term and which introduces the teachers who teach within this Area of Learning and Experience. Click below to learn more and to meet the team! Thank you to Mrs Quick-Lawrence for creating the book and to each member of staff for being so willing to contribute. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Dewch i Adnabod ein Staff Iechyd a Lles/ Get to know our Health and Wellbeing Staff

Rydych wedi dweud yn eich holiaduron eich bod yn dymuno dod i adnabod rhai o aelodau staff yr ysgol, felly rydym wedi creu llyfryn digidol yn ARBENNIG ar eich cyfer CHI! Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i ddysgu mwy amdanynt! Mwynhewch! ๐Ÿ˜‰

The pupil and parent survey responses highlighted that it was important for the children to get to know some of the key members of staff if possible. Below is a digital book created for your child in order to help him/her with the transition process. A fun 'Kahoot!' quiz has also been included within the Microsoft TEAM so that the children can learn the staff members' names and have fun at the same time!


Gweithgaredd Pontio 1/Transition Activity 1!

Pa fath o brofiad yw symud o'r ysgol gynradd i Ysgol y Preseli?/ What kind of experience is it to move from primary school to Ysgol y Preseli?

Pa fath o brofiad yw symud o'r ysgol gynradd i Ysgol y Preseli? Diolch i Mared a Llew  am rannu eu profiadau gyda'n disgyblion blwyddyn 6 (sy'n colli allan ar y broses bontio arferol). Tagiwch rieni blwyddyn 6 os gwelwch yn dda! ๐ŸŒˆ

What kind of experience is it to move from primary school to Ysgol y Preseli? Thank you to Mared and Llew  for sharing their experiences with our year 6 pupils (who are missing out on the normal transition process). Please tag year 6 parents! ๐ŸŒˆ


Neges i rieni a disgyblion bl.6/A message for year 6 parents and pupils

Gwersi Gwyddoniaeth/Science Lessons

Cofiwch gysylltu gyda phennaeth eich ysgol gynradd i gadarnhau pa iaith yr ydych yn dymuno i'ch plentyn astudio Gwyddoniaeth. Mae ffonio neu e-bostio'r pennaeth yn dderbyniol (does dim rhaid anfon y llythyr nรดl). Os oes unrhyw broblem, croeso i chi e-bostio'ch penderfyniad i swyddfa Ysgol y Preseli (swyddfa@ysgolypreseli.com). Diolch ๐ŸŒˆ

Please remember to contact your primary school headteacher to confirm which language your child wishes to choose for his/her Science lessons. You are welcome to phone/e-mail your primary headteacher (returning the form isn't essential). If there are any problems, you are also welcome to e-mail your decision to Ysgol y Preseli (swyddfa@ysgolypreseli.com). Diolch ๐ŸŒˆ



Croeso/ Welcome!

Yn ystod y sefyllfa bresennol oherwydd coronafirws (a'r ansicrwydd ynghylch pryd y byddwn yn gallu ailagor), byddwn yn defnyddio'r blog hwn i gyfathrebu รข chi ac i ddarparu gwybodaeth bellach. Yn y cyfamser, edrychwch ar ein fideo isod a fydd yn rhoi 'blas' i chi o fywyd ysgol yn Ysgol y Preseli. Mwynhewch!
During the current school closure due to coronavirus, and the uncertainty about when we will be able to re-open and meet you all, we will use this page to communicate with you and to provide further information as and when we have it.  In the meantime, you are more than welcome to have a look at the video below which gives you a 'taste' of life at Ysgol y Preseli. Enjoy!